HQC Schemes. Your Guidelines.
You may find more information on each Scheme below.
Please note that the full schemes are upon request for customers only.

Halal Certification

Halal Assurance Program

Animal Slaughtering and Awareness

Halal Service Providers

Halal Supervision
Halal Quality Control Certification Scheme
The Halal Quality Control Certification Scheme articulates the essential prerequisites for acquiring certification of Halal compliant products, services, and practices. It underscores the establishment of a secure and sustainable system premised on the effective implementation of this scheme.
Global Benchmark
The benchmarking process of this scheme meticulously compares international [Halal] standards or guidelines pertinent to Halal certification.
This includes an analysis of general protocols, regulations, critical control points, and compliance criteria.
In 8 Steps
The certification process from application to certification consists of 8 steps.
Available in the HQC E-Portal, trained customers, or upon request. You may contact us for assistance.
Latest Edition: 2.0 | Release: 2023
HQC Halal Assurance Program Scheme
The Halal Assurance Program functions as a directive instrument to facilitate the establishment of an internal mechanism that ensures the integrity of Halal manufacturing processes within production facilities. Essential activities and key sectors demand supplementary written procedures and corrective actions to ensure control and maintain operations within acceptable limits.
Creating a Quality Manual
The primary objective of the HAP is to scrutinize and pinpoint the criteria, which should be manifested in the company’s quality manual involved in Halal operations.
The 5 Criteria
The HAP is comprised of 5 criteria, delineating the requisite stipulations for the implementation of the program.
Available in the HQC E-Portal, trained customers, or upon request. You may contact us for assistance.
Latest Edition: 2.0 | Release: 2023
HQC Animal Slaughtering and Awareness Scheme
The Animal Slaughtering and Awareness Scheme functions as a directive instrument to facilitate the establishment of an internal mechanism that ensures the integrity of Halal slaughtering processes within production facilities.
The requirements and criteria outlined within this Scheme form the foundation for Halal certification audits conducted by Halal Quality Control. Therefore, companies seeking Halal certification should regard this Scheme as a preparation for audits, supervisions, and ongoing compliance.
The 9 Criteria
The Scheme is comprised of 9 criteria, delineating the requisite stipulations for the implementation of this scheme. Essential activities and key sectors demand supplementary written procedures and corrective actions to ensure control and maintain operations.
Available in the HQC E-Portal, trained customers, or upon request. You may contact us for assistance.
Latest Edition: 1.0 | Release: 2023
HQC Halal Supervision Scheme
This Scheme describes the rules and guidelines of the supervisors appointed by Halal Quality Control who conduct supervision inspections at companies that do slaughter permissible animals. This Scheme is an add-on to the HQC Animal Slaughtering and Awareness Scheme.
Important Aspects
The supervisors are not considered as auditors and have different objectives as outlined in the Scheme.
The strictness of the frequency of supervision by HQC [in addition to the internal supervision in place] depends on the export region and reference Halal Standard.
In 5 Steps
The Scheme is comprised of the 5 steps that the supervisor will follow, delineating the requisite stipulations for the implementation of the supervision activities.
Available in the HQC E-Portal, trained customers, or upon request. You may contact us for assistance.
Latest Edition: 1.5 | Release: 2023