Accreditation in Asia.
Please note that the accreditations are based on the HQC Group and may vary per branch or region.


Relevant Authority:


Information, Scopes, Requirements, and Useful Links
In today’s global market, companies must have a diverse range of accreditations and recognitions to meet customer expectations and ensure seamless trading. The Halal Quality Control (HQC) Group is committed to providing comprehensive solutions that enable businesses to overcome these challenges.
Choose the HQC Group for your Halal accreditation needs and experience the trust and global recognition that comes with our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Top Products: Dairy
Fresh, frozen, and processed dairy products are the top exported Halal products to Asia.
Flavors and vegan products are following suit as of 2023.

Mandatory Certification
All fresh, frozen, processed meats, flavors, colorings, and animal products (see Scope: Animal Products) are required to obtain Halal certification from an accredited Halal certification body.
Additionally, all exported products must adhere to the ethanol limits (Permissible Ethanol Limitations).
Scope: Fresh and Frozen Meats
This Scope applies for animal meats which are not considered furtherly processed, i.e. cooked, cured, smoked, canned, or transformed.
Note: For the regions of Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia, certain restrictions or additional requirements do apply.
Please contact us for more information or refer to the websites and procedures of the regulatory bodies.
Animal slaughtering plants, meat processing plants, traders, warehouses, repackers, logistics, and private label holders.
Type of Certificate applicable for Fresh and Frozen Meats:
Halal Shipment Certificates only.
Applies to the Asian Region.
Risk Classification:
Critical (mandatory for Halal Certification)
Useful Links:
HQC Halal Shipment Certificate Example
HQC Animal and Insect Classification Table
Services: Shipment Certification
Scope: Animal Products
This Scope applies for animal derived products which are considered furtherly processed, i.e. cooked, cured, smoked, canned, or transformed. Note: this also implies for products which are mixed with any type of Animal Products.
Animal slaughtering plants, general manufacturers, meat processing plants, toll manufacturers, traders, warehouses, repackers, logistics, and private label holders.
Type of Certificate applicable for Animal Products:
Halal Shipment Certificates only.
Applies to the Middle East Region.
Risk Classification:
Critical (mandatory for Halal Certification)
Useful Links:
HQC Halal Shipment Certificate Example
HQC Animal and Insect Classification Table
Services: Shipment Certification
Scope: Dairy Products
This Scope applies for all types of (flavored) dairy products, including liquid products. Note: dairy products containing Animal Products should follow the Animal Products criteria as described above.
General manufacturers, toll manufacturers, traders, warehouses, repackers, logistics, and private label holders.
Type of Certificate applicable for Animal Products:
Halal Shipment or Factory Certificates.
Risk Classification:
High Risk
Useful Links:
HQC Halal Shipment Certificate Example
HQC Halal Factory Certificate Example
HQC Animal and Insect Classification Table
Scope: Flavors
This Scope applies for all types of flavor products, either as an end product or as an intermediate product.
General manufacturers, toll manufacturers, traders, warehouses, repackers, logistics, and private label holders.
Type of Certificate applicable for Animal Products:
Halal Shipment or Factory Certificates.
Risk Classification:
Useful Links:
HQC Halal Shipment Certificate Example
HQC Halal Factory Certificate Example
HQC Animal and Insect Classification Table
Permissible Ethanol Limitations
Scope: Fermented Products
This Scope applies for all types of fermented products, either as an end product or as an intermediate product.
General manufacturers, toll manufacturers, traders, warehouses, repackers, logistics, and private label holders.
Type of Certificate applicable for Animal Products:
Halal Shipment or Factory Certificates.
Risk Classification:
Useful Links:
HQC Halal Shipment Certificate Example
HQC Halal Factory Certificate Example
HQC Animal and Insect Classification Table
Permissible Ethanol Limitations
Useful Documents
Strategic Accreditation.
Your Gateway to the Asia. And beyond.